Chifley College Shalvey Campus

Learn Discover Inspire

Telephone(02) 9628 9161

Parents, carers and the community

Parent Teacher Afternoon

At the start of Term 3, parents and carers are invited to meet and discuss their child’s progress with their teachers. This is held in Term 3 once children have received their Semester 1 (Term 1 & 2) report. 

We always have a fantastic turnout and it’s great to see dedicated and supportive parents and carers, teachers and non-teaching staff come together for the benefit of our students. 

Parent, Carer & Community Group

Shalvey Campus strongly values parent involvement through student learning and engagement.

Our parent and community group meets with our Principal, Ms Linklater once a term for 'Coffee & Cake'. This group meets to discuss upcoming programs and events as well as participate in school decision making.

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

At the end of 2022 we started our official reconciliation journey with the development of a school Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

As part of this process, we met with our community who contributed ideas which will help us establish a final vision for reconciliation for Shalvey Campus.  

Interpreting and translations

We will help you communicate with our school. If you’d like an interpreter for a school meeting, let us know and we will arrange one, if available.

If you don’t speak or understand English well and want to contact us, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language. The operator will call the school and get an interpreter to help. This service is free.

For more information, listen in your language.

Visit the department’s translated documents section for important information that’s relevant for your child’s education in many languages.